Morgan Freeman Accused of ‘Inappropriate Behavior’ and ‘Harassment’ by Women

Morgan Freeman is being accused of multiple incidents of ‘inappropriate behavior’ and ‘sexual harassment’ by over 8 women.

What we Know:

  • In all, 16 people spoke to CNN about Freeman as part of this investigation, eight of whom said they were victims of what some called harassment and others called inappropriate behavior by Freeman.
  • These 16 people together described a pattern of inappropriate behavior by Freeman on set, while promoting his movies and at his production company Revelations Entertainment.
  • Of those 16, seven people described an environment at Revelations Entertainment that included allegations of harassment or inappropriate behavior by Freeman there, with one incident allegedly witnessed by Lori McCreary, Freeman’s co-founder in the enterprise, and another in which she was the target of demeaning comments by Freeman in a public setting.
  • One of those seven people alleged that McCreary made a discriminatory remark regarding a female candidate for a job at the Producers Guild of America, where McCreary is co-president.


Read more on this exclusive story at CNN.

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