Black Dad Deemed ‘suspicious’ for Pushing Sick Son in a Stroller

Donald Sherman‘s little boy had a fever, so he stayed home with the tike and decided to take him out for some air at a nearby park, Kingman Island. There was nothing out of the ordinary, just a dad pushing his son in a stroller.

What We Know:

  • Half an hour into his walk, a security officer in a marked vehicle flagged him down and told him that a woman called in to say that there was a “suspicious man” walking with a baby on the path.
  • The reporting woman was asked to describe the man’s race – she declined to do so
  • The security officer did not detain him or call police – she did advise him that a complaint had been filed
  • Sherman took to Facebook to describe what happened and expressed his concerns on ‘Living While Black’



This story sighted at The Grio.

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