Meghan McCain and Donna Brazile spar on The View

Tuesday, Donna Brazile appeared on ABC’s The View and was poised to address controversy head on.

During a brief but spirited interrogation by View cohost Meghan McCain – daughter of Republican Senator John McCain – the former DNC interim chair claims she asked about the origins of the now infamous ‘dirty dossier’ just days before the 2016 election but was informed she ‘did not need to know’ about it.

“I asked one question on November 4th and I was told that I did not need to know. And so no, I did not know,” Brazile said. “Because I did not control my money.”

She also laments in her new book about an agreement the Clinton camp executed with the DNC to seize effective control over its staff and operations.

“Megan you know campaigns. The line item is called legal. The line item is called research. The line item is – the line item, if you asked me today because I have a list of all the DNC consultants. Do I see Fusion GPS, no. But if you asked me was this a question that came up during my tenure as chair, it did on Nov. 4th.”

Check out what else she had to say during the candid interview below.